decisions, decisions VS. emotions, emotions


it might be a TRAP!!! 

so basically the world is pretty divided about whether emotions are valuable or not. 

Well, YOU'RE valuable, and what is within is valuable...even more so as you hone and refine 

But consider whether making Emotionally-charged or Emotionally-slanted decisions is wise.. 

We all have different emotional ranges and capacities, which over time inform us of emotional data from past experiences. We can learn to use this information in a neutral way, and instead make EMOTIONALLY-WISE decisions! 

How to: 

-practice bypassing your emotions by slowing your reactions, and refraining from speaking/acting for 30 seconds (dictate or write your thoughts during this time if needed) 


-wait until tomorrow and look to see if you even care anymore 

-NOTICE AND TRACK what Actually happened and the fallout of the scenario 

-were there any permanent outworkings? 

-Did it all blow over? 

-Did it cause you permanent harm logistically? 

Then use this PRICELESS data to be WISE and make emotionally-INFORMED decisions instead. Using all our types of thinking in harmony is the first step, and make a PLAN. 

Then REVIEW your plan before speaking, and see how your careful plan unfolds. 

Were there any negative consequences to yourself and others? 

Did you communicate your solutions without creating more problems? 

Can you adjust your fire for next time to make it even better? 

if it sounds like I'm using STRONG LANGUAGE, that is because I AM! 

I'm speaking loudly to the biggest OFFENDER, my own dear self tehehe. 

This process if fool proof if only we are patient enough and have enough energy and safety to execute it!